White 1602 Doublebed Jacquard Experiment
WOW!! This is so cool! The top scan is the public side of a fair-isle design knit on my 1602 with the light scanning needle selection box. The picture is on the mylar, the machine knits it. Very cool. There are a few pattern mistakes, but they are in the same section so I'm thinking it might be that my mylar isn't clean enough, or maybe I need to check my needles in that section, or maybe I just need more practice. Either way, I am very very pleased and this piece will be a little purse/pouch bag. Not bad for my second try at this kind of knitting on this machine :) The first try was a bit of a disaster, it miss patterned everywhere accept in one column of the design, but I discovered that I hadn't centered the mylar correctly.
This is the back (non-public) side. I tried 2 different methods. The bottom one almost looks a little woven, the top one is nearly reversible and according to a book I have on creating machine knit fabrics, there is a setting I can use to create true reversible fabrics. Right now I'm going to bask in my success on this and figure out a project to use it on. I used to have a dream of knitting holiday afghans using this kind of knitting. I have a ton of holiday punchcards, I now wish I had holiday mylars. Looks like I'll be surfing around for clipart soon and trying out the picture knitting option of these machines :) Oh Boy!
Clarisse, I just discovered your blog while searching sites for double jacquard. I am interested in the almost reversible double jacquard you show. Do you think that can be done on a Singer 700? Thanks, Brenda
Good idea. Clip art is a fiber art solution for punch cards. I try it out. Thank you for the suggestion.
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