The Brother Profile 588 is an 8 button pattern machine. You push the patterns, yank the crank to set the needles and run the carriage, the lace carriage miraculously transfers the stitches to different needles if you're making lace. I have a huge book of stitch patterns for it, the picture is my first lace attempt. I made a mistake, see the extra large hole? so I frogged it. I want to play with it some more, those patterns in the book are great and I think I will be able to adapt alot of them to the Toyota. It's really old, so old that some of the plastic knob things crumbled. They will be replaced, with polymer clay I think, but the mechanism that the knob slid still slides if you just move it with your hand so it's no big deal.
I bought this machine because I have all the tutorials, several books and patterns that my wonderful Mother in Law salvaged for me. I'll experiment more with it soon, but the punch cards are alot easier to use than the buttons.
Labels: Knitting Machine
I have a Brother Profile 588 without manuals or instructions. Can you help me get some tutorials or instructions for it?
Thanks for this post. I am trying to get a used knitting machine myself, and I didn't know what was meant when I saw 4-button or 8-button machine in the description. I really appreciate your description, it answers a lot of my questions!
I've recently acquired a Brother Profile 588 as one of the items from a relatives estate... (unfortunately it didn't come with any Manuals or instructions)I honestly don't have any idea what to do with it! I found your blog and thought I'd see if anyone was interested in it... My name is Lynn and I can be contacted via email @ lfargobrown@gmail.com
Hi, Thanks for your post. I just got a KH588 but do not have patterns etc. We are neighbors.... Could I borrow the materials for an hour to make copies? I would be forever grateful. Are you in the guild? I just joined yesterday. What a dynamic group of knitters... Please contact me at lauraruthf at gmail.com. Thanks...looked through your blog... some great stuff... btw, Happy Mother's Day!
hi i found a brother kh-588 from my grandmother house but i i dont know how to use please add me at facebook crazy_maggot_143@yahoo.com thanks more power
has a CD that is supposed to have manuals. You have to scroll down a bit.
Hi, I got the brother kh 588 a while ago but no instructions or manual. I would really appreciate if you could me copies of the pattern books you have. I know it's a lot to ask but I'll be eternally grateful. My email is falaita@gmail.com
Hi, do you have a ribber with the 588? I'm using the kr 587 but misplaced the racking level. Any chance you have a spare one or know where one might be found?
Hi, do you have a ribber with the 588? I'm using the kr 587 but misplaced the racking level. Any chance you have a spare one or know where one might be found?
Hello, please I have brother KH 588 knitting machine but I don't have instructions on how to get the different patterns. Please I will be grateful if you can make copies of your pattern book available for download. My email address is latundunfakeye5@gmail.com.
Thanks a lot.
Can you tell me what yarn weights you can use with this machine? I've found one of these that I'm interested in purchasing however I am working a certain set of projects that use lace weight to light fingering weight. I want it to have a nice tight gauge so need a machine that works with lace/fingering weight yarns. I can't seem to find this information anywhere and would appreciate if you could let me know what you think about that.
thank you!
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